Cat vs Crow

Very strange. On Thursday, on my way to work I saw a cat in the park being harassed by a crow so I recorded it. Unfortunately the video isn’t very sharp because the animals were far away and I was recording them with my phone. I thought it was really funny, as if the crow had a big problem with the cat being there, meanwhile the cat completely ignores the bird.

Funniest of all, I walked the same route the next day and they were there again doing the exact same thing!

Wood Chopping

Last weekend we went to visit Berni’s family in Vaszar and we chopped wood for the winter. The logs were really big, so we used a hydraulic wood splitter like this one. It was still a lot of work moving the heavy logs onto the splitter and carrying and stacking the split wood into piles, and I’m told that the next step will be to axe those into smaller pieces that can be used to heat the house in winter.

Unfortunately nobody thought to take any pictures of us in action, but these two large piles were the result of our day’s work:

A large pile of wood we chopped

A large pile of wood we chopped

Another pile of wood behind the first one

Another pile of wood behind the first one

I think I might write more often about the fun stuff that happens when we go to visit in Vaszar.